Recover Exchange 2010 Database Without Log Files – Restore EDB Data
Summary: Many Microsoft Exchange account users face problems related to corrupted database issues. This article is meant to resolve the user query, "How to recover exchange 2010 database without log files?"
Microsoft Exchange database stores a variety of information. It contains thousands of mailboxes including emails, contacts, notes, calendar events and etc. The database administrator is responsible to keep the EDB files safe and secure. A single problem can cause of data loss and sustain large losses for an organization. Therefore, backup copies are to be maintained properly to minimize the risk as much as possible and keep in mind the server could be brought back to its original working state quickly. Moreover, a straightforward way to recover the crashed server is by recovering the database from the last backup. When it comes to data recovery from backup, Exchange transaction log file plays an important role. Here, we are going to discuss the importance of log files in Exchange Server 2013, 2010, 2007, 2003 and how to repair database without log files or in any case log files are unavailable or missing.
Instant Solution:For an easy and quick result one can go for SysTools Exchange Recovery Tool to recover corrupted Exchange EDB files. It can fix Exchange .edb file errors efficiently in a single go.
Recover Exchange 2010 Database Without Log Files - Importance
In some aspects, the Exchange server can be viewed as transactional email system. A transaction is a group of operations performed against a database that includes inserting, updating, deleting data and make sure ACID properties of the data must remain intact. Each transaction file being recorded within the database to keep track of all change that affects the database. This has been done to make sure that if anything can go wrong, the previous transaction can be reversed or rolled back and the database can be recovered to its original state.
Transaction log that records file entry up to the second. That's why these database files are extremely important at failures. Exchange recovery and backup both depend on these log files. Each transaction log file is written to the hard drive and they are also committed from a log file to the database on the server. This small gap allows the administrator to copy all log files to another hard disk as a backup so that in the event of a crisis, even if a database file may be affected, the log files from a database remain safe. Unless the database is healthy or available, the log files could be played back to restore the data up to a last committed transaction.
Now, we are going to describe how does the administrator recover Exchange 2010 database without log files in such situations.
Inconsistent Vs Consistent Database in Exchange Server 2016/ 13/ 10/ 07/ 03
Database consistency is one of the basic elements of the ACID properties. Healthy database files are always in a consistent state. Make sure that the database is consistent; all the transaction logs should be committed to the database before it gets shut down. If it is done, the database is considered as detached from the transaction log files and the state is known as clean-shutdown.
On the other hand, if the transaction logs had still not been committed in the database when the server was accidentally shut down (due to a sudden power off or any hardware issue), the database may remain attached to the log files. As a result, a page has been written yet to the server is marked as "Dirty". As many dirty pages exist in each database, it is considered as inconsistent and this state is also known as dirty-shutdown state.
At any time, you can verify the state of a database with the help of ESEUTIL command. The command is given below:
- eseutil /mh Restore & Recovery of the Database
Before proceeding further, it is very important that we have to understand the difference between these two terms i.e., restore and recovery before going further on topic how to repair EDB file without Exchange log files. When these terms are commonly used as interchangeably but, they are a little different. Restore requires putting the log files back to the original location on an Exchange server whereas recovery includes replaying the log files into the recovered database.
In simple terms, in the recovery process, log database files are extremely important. Clearly, it is a difficult task to recover exchange 2010 database without log files manually.
Restore Exchange Server Database Without Log File Manually
Recover the database using log files is pretty straightforward with the Eseutil command. Although, if these log files are lost or unavailable, then, there are two paths you can take for recovery process:
- The replay process become fail completely
- The recovery process can abort with errors
Some Errors Encountered In Such Situation Includes:
- Error -501 (JET_errLogFileCorrupt) – “Log File is Corrupt”
- Error -514 (JET_errBadLogVersion) – “Log file generated with different Exchange Server or edition"
- Error -515 (JET_errInvalidLogSequence) – “M issing Any log file from the existing sequence”
- Error -533 (JET_errCheckpointCorrupt) – “Checkpoint file is deleted or corrupt”
This ESEUTIL command that can be used to regain the database files (bring it to the consistent state) with or without transaction logs. Without the log files, this script is only used with /p switch to perform a task as follows:
- eseutil /p
Nevertheless, it can work the process that leads to data loss, if ESEUTIL command founds the corrupt pages or broken links between a given table. Or if the internal pages might be deleted for improving the structure also. As the result, you can rebuild the database file with offline defragmentation and after this, correct the B-tree structure. In short, it is very time-taken and lengthy process to restore corrupted EDB files in exchange 2016, 2013, 2010, 2007, 2003 versions manually.
Recover Exchange 2010 Database Without Log Files Automatically
To avoid above-stated constraints, we are suggesting a third party solution i.e., Exchange Mailbox Repair Tool. This application helps to repair corrupted EDB files or damaged EDB mailboxes without any difficulty. Additionally, it permits the user to save the recovered data as MSG, EML, HTML, and PDF file formats. It provides facility to recover the Exchange mailboxes to Live Exchange Server, Office 365 and MS Outlook. It is also compatible with Exchange Server 2016, 2013 and all below editions. Moreover, it has some additional features to perform the recovery process without any kind of data loss.
The Final Words
Recovery of the database is quite important for any organization. If log files are unable or missing then, it will create a big problem in the workflow. Therefore, we have already discussed the main role of Log files and the simplest way to recover Exchange 2010 database without log files manually. Else, users can use a third party tool i.e., Exchange Server Recovery software that helps to restore the .edb files without any inconvenience.
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